Monday, 19 November 2012

We are proud to announce.....

So there’s a new arrival in our house. I am aware that many of you will have already been through this experience. Some may read with a glow of recognition and nostalgia.

Others might find yet another gushing account of how in love we are with our latest addition rather tedious – if so I do apologise.

But I can report that our new baby is settling in very well. We all enjoy interacting with the little thing.

Yes, we’re probably getting a bit less sleep than we used to. It demands our attention and often we just can’t stop looking at it.

Obviously, the dynamics have changed, and we’re being very careful and sensitive with how we manage issues of jealousy and sharing with our four-year-old.

But overall we’re so taken with the new member of the family that we’re already talking about having another one.....

I won’t bore you with too many photographs, but scroll down to see a picture of the darling little thing......

Our little treasure - the iPad4


  1. Brilliant! No doubt the 4 year old will adopt it soon!

  2. Ha ha, I remember those early days, it seems so small, so fragile, so, err, shiny!

  3. Hello! Can't believe I never replied to these lovely comments earlier, probably because I was heavily pregnant with the real thing if that's any excuse :) Anyway, thanks for visiting xx
